The Roger Cox Companies  
a wealth-maximizing course of action

Comprehensive investment and tax knowledge allow us to understand return on investment in terms of other available investments.

In-depth understanding of market conditions insures:

Wise property selection
Profitable transaction timing
Effective target marketing
Extensive local and national contacts provide maximum exposure.


Our success is a direct result of helping our clients to become successful. Committed to education, innovation, research and hard work, our team of skilled professionals continues to increase our ability to contribute to our clientıs prosperity. Our success is a direct result of helping our clients to become successful. Committed to education, innovation, research and hard work, our team of skilled professionals continues to increase our ability to contribute to our clientıs prosperity. Our success is a direct result of helping our clients to become successful. Committed to education, innovation, research and hard work, our team of skilled professionals continues to increase our ability to contribute to our clientıs prosperity.

business opportunites | commercial sales | commercial leasing | property management
group investment/development | residential services | contact